Completing a Study & Editing an Active Study

Complete a Study

Completing a Study

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Studies.
  2. Single-click on the study you want to complete.
  3. Click In-Progress and select Complete Survey.

Other Actions for a Completed Study

Re-Launching a Completed Study

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Studies.
  2. Single-click on the completed study you want to relaunch.
  3. Click Completed and select either Launch Survey.

Archive a Study

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Studies.
  2. Single-click on the study you want to archive.
  3. Click In-Progress or Completed (depending on the operation state of the Survey, Replay, or Prototype Test).
  4. Then, select Archive Survey.

Re-Launching an Archived Study

  1. In the Navigation Pane, click Studies.
  2. Use the search field to find the Study you are looking for, or click on the Folder where your study is located, making sure the Status is set to Archived.
  3. Single-click on the Archived study you want to relaunch.
  4. Click Archived and select either Launch Survey.

Editing In Progress Studies

For in-product Surveys, you can edit In Progress Studies to:

  1. Add questions to the Study or change the order of existing questions.
  2. Edit/Add logic to existing or new questions.
  3. Make edits to question/response wording.
  4. Update Targeting or Response Settings

Note: For Feedback studies, you can additionally update the label on your feedback button.

You are not able to change a question type or delete existing options for multiple choice type questions.



While you may change the question semantic of an In-Progress study, it is not advised as the change may impact response consistency and data cleanliness. Changes you make to a prototype will also immediately be reflected in the study. Consider restricting edits to correct any mistakes.